Campus Trail Leader Application

Athletic is on a mission to positively impact our customers' lifestyle while greatly impacting our communities and environment for the better. 

As an Athletic Brewing Campus Trail Leader, you will be tasked with building a community of students who share Athletic Brewing’s values (and our brews!) by going on weekly hikes, working on trails, and providing opportunities to get out and enjoy nature on and around campus. You will help educate your campus about Athletic Brewing’s Two For The Trails program by getting students to join entry-level community group hikes, trail work days, and campus events to recruit new hikers!

What are the goals of an Athletic Brewing Campus Trail Leader?

1. Grow a community of students who love to get together for weekly hikes and trash cleanups while sharing Athletic brews together.

2. Raise awareness of the Athletic Brewing brand mainly through non-alcoholic beer samplings on and around your campus, focused on your fellow students.

3. Start and grow relationships with student leadership organizations and key stakeholders on your campus across athletics, dining, student life, etc.

4. Provide feedback of product reviews and insights into your college campus culture. 

Campus Trail Leaders can complete this role on a flexible schedule. This semester-long program will require a complementary mix of community-building, marketing, sales, networking, leadership development, industry insight, communication skills, and social media savvy to excel. 

Role Responsibilities: 

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Executing one weekly community hike and/or trash cleanup on or near your college campus for the duration of the semester. 
  • Execute one weekly event where you promote the hikes and the community while handing out free Athletic brews to students.
  • Execute at least one trail work day with one of our Two For the Trail partners per semester (if applicable). 
  • Connect with three student groups for free non-alcoholic beer samples and hiking participation per week.
  • Promote Athletic Brewing on your personal social media at least one time per week.
  • Weekly check-ins with manager.
  • Promoting and practicing sustainable actions and sharing Athletic Brewing values through our Two for the Trails and Impact programs.
  • Build relationships with key stakeholders on your campus and identify ways to build your community and Athletic Brewing’s presence on your campus.

Qualifications include but are not limited to:

  • Must be enrolled in a college or university and be primarily an on-campus student. 
  • Must be 21+.
  • Open to all majors but focus on marketing or sales is preferred.
  • Passion for community-building, outdoor education, environmental studies, etc.
  • Experience in event or social media marketing.
  • Must be extremely organized, detail-oriented, and a self-starter.
  • Valid US driver’s license.
  • Strong communication skills required.
  • Sharing Athletic Brewing values is a must.
  • 3.0 GPA or higher.

Role Details:

  • Location: On or near college or university campus
  • Schedule: August 21st, 2024 - end of semester