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Finishing an IRONMAN is at the very top of many endurance athletes’ bucket lists. It’s a daunting goal to put all the training, logistical, and motivational pieces together to pull off such an extreme athletic achievement. 

For Maddie, it was the ultimate athletic experience. Being a marathoner, she had a leg up on folks starting from scratch, but running is still only one-third of the skills you need for a triathlon, so the math was still against her. 

Despite many setbacks and many times she could have logically bowed out of training and preparation, Maddie continued through every challenge, all the way up to race day (the ocean waves were crazy!). After 140.6 miles she heard those fateful words, “You are an IRONMAN!”. 

Listen in to hear the biggest lessons that Maddie learned in preparation and on race day, and what it takes to finish an IRONMAN without compromise. 

Follow Maddie at @marathon_mads94

Find out more about the Brave Noise Release Party on 10/24 from 4 - 7 pm at our San Diego brewery here.

To learn more about Athletic Brewing’s award-winning non-alcoholic craft beer, go to AthleticBrewing.com

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