Kevin Jordan & Tom Walter: Get in the Game

by Mason Gravley / Nov 06, 2020
Kevin Jordan & Tom Walter: Get in the Game

In the late 2000s, star baseball player Kevin Jordan was fully-committed to preparing for his baseball career either in the pros or at college in Wake Forest. However, right before his senior season started Kevin could feel something was off. His health was declining, his stamina lacking, and after a number of tests, Kevin was diagnosed with ANCA vasculitis. It caused one of his kidneys to function at 8% and he would need a new one fast. 

To go from a professional hopeful to having his entire career, and even his life, in jeopardy, Kevin still committed to go to Wake Forest and figure out a solution. 

Despite having lost 40lb of muscle, being hours from home, and a freshman on such a large campus, Kevin persisted. That dedication and devotion to being his best was one of the reasons Wake Forest was so excited to recruit Kevin in the first place. 

What Kevin needed now though, was a new kidney and everyone around him was coming up as a non-match. That is, until his head coach, Tom Walter, was tested. 

We’ll let them tell their story, but know that Kevin and Tom’s story has been told countless times across many platforms. What’s different now is that they are taking their story and turning it into a movement called Get in the Game. 

Their aim is to educate, inspire, and empower a generation of young people to take action in their homes, schools, and communities. 

Athletic Brewing has partnered with Get in the Game to help bring about their vision where all races, creeds, income levels, and gender identities have equal opportunities and view the world with hope and endless possibility. 

 Find out more at

Instagram @gitg4change

Kevin (left) and Tom (right) after the kidney transfer. 

Images from Wake Forest Magazine